Stage Clear! Token Bonus Get!

NF Pet
2 min readMar 18, 2021


The NF team is building an unique virtual world where players can use platform tokens to own their virtual pets and profit from it.

NF provides players with a variety of income options, such as referral rewards, game achievement rewards, and content creation rewards.

· Players can contact game friends around the world in one game;

· Provide players with a personal recommendation plan, where revenue (paid in NF tokens) is calculated based on a five-level recommendation chain composed of friends brought in by users and users brought in by their friends;

· NF tokens can be obtained from individual or team game achievements;

· Monetization of content created within the gaming community (reviews, game videos, guides, etc.);

· Additional token revenue can be obtained through auctions on the platform’s internal trading market;

· Players can get additional token rewards by completing tasks in the system;

· Outside the framework of a specific game, players can also team up to complete tasks and receive additional token rewards;

· Transfer NF to personal Ethereum wallet as needed;

· Provide an internal communication system covering the entire platform, so that all users can grasp important information in the first time;

· You can turn on friend notifications in the user’s privacy settings, and you can check other information about your friends’ online status and achievements, etc.

· A comprehensive and individual client setting system, so that each user only sees what they want to see;

· Analyze user achievements and their ratings;

· Even if the player’s current internet speed is too slow, the system can be adjusted intelligently without affecting the current game experience;

· During the game, players can obtain player information and can interact and meet friends in the game;

